Faculty Research

Management & Entrepreneurship faculty at UConn’s School of Business are known internationally for their research in team dynamics, leadership, corporate strategy, creativity, virtual relationship in organizations, entrepreneurship, social networks analysis, training interventions, work-family interface, gender and entrepreneurship, diversity in the workplace, risk taking, and human resource management. Our work has been published in the top academic management journals, including Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Administrative Science Quarterly, Journal of Applied Psychology, Organizational Science, Strategic Management Journal, and Management Science. The Department regularly ranks among top schools in scholarly productivity per member, and counts a member among the Academy of Management Fellows. Faculty research is theoretically and empirically rigorous, while providing solutions to relevant to organizational, community, national, and global problems.

Qing Cao
Strategic Entrepreneurship

CEO and Top Management

Managerial Social Capital

Management in Transition Economies

Ryan Coles

Technology Commercialization



Timothy Folta
Entrepreneurial entry and survival
Corporate strategy and flexibility
Sami ghaddar
Corporate Governance

Firm Innovation

Firm Performance

Travis Grosser
Intra-Organizational Social Networks
Employee Creativity and Innovation
Negative Workplace Relationships
Nora Madjar
Social context for creativity at work
Job design and the creative process
Gender, negotiations and creativity
John Mathieu
Organizational Behavior
Multi-level Theories, Designs, and Analyses
Redona Methasani
Emotions and Decision Making in Negotiations
Interpersonal Interactions
David Noble
Strategy in the Digital Economy
Commercialization in Learning Organizations
Technology Entrepreneurship
Digital Ecosystem
Emerging Technologies: Block Chain, Big Data, VR/AR, IoT
Entrepreneurial Investment
Jo (Kyoungjo) Oh
Mistreatment in the Workplace


Gary Powell
Gender issues in the workplace
Work and family
Evan Rawley
Corporate Strategy
Economics of Organizations
Gregory Reilly
Strategic Human Resource Management
Executive Compensation
Time Horizon in Strategic Management
Management Teams
Alexandra Rheinhardt


Social Movements

Organizational Change


Rogerio Victer
Business Strategy and Design Thinking
Theory of Competitive Advantage
Corporate Leadership and Innovation
Knowledge Management and Organizational Design