2A2 - Atlas2A
My name is Namhyeong Kim, and I prefer to be called as Daniel. I am from South Korea to acquire knowledge of accounting at the University of Connecticut. Currently, I am a Senior who has two minors – economics and analytics. My future dream is to be a tax accountant because I feel important in this world when I am working with specialized knowledge. Fortunately, for 2018 summer, I will be working as tax intern at Hartford Deloitte Office. I hope my dream comes true!
UConn Accounting Major Namhyeong (Daniel) Kim
Hi, my name is Nina Mendez. I’m a Senior Accounting major with a minor in Anthropology. This fall I will be joining PwC as a tax associate.
My name is Brian DaCorte. I am 22 years old and a senior finance major and economics minor at the University of Connecticut. After graduation I will be working in risk management at the Hartford Insurance. My hobbies include playing soccer, basketball, reading, and traveling. I am an avid sports fan, including UConn Basketball and New York Giants football.
Thank you UConn School of Business and all supporting staff.
Our Team is enjoying the chance to learn ins-n-outs and dealing with multi-billion dollar decision making
My name is Aaron, I am a veteran, small business owner, Marine Sciences/Scientific Diver and Senior Entrepreneurial Management student. Next semester, I will be utilizing this experiential knowledge in the BAPM and EBV programs at UConn. Thank you to my team for their professionalism and expertise!