Boucher Management & Entrepreneurship (M&E) Department
Prepare yourself to lead.
Boucher Management & Entrepreneurship (M&E) Department at the UConn School of Business offers challenging coursework and hands-on learning experiences that provide students with the knowledge, skills, and tools to lead. We prepare undergraduate and masters-degree students to create and guide organizations by helping them:
- Advance insight about employees’ individual and group behavior and how these dynamics influence their attitudes and outcomes (Organizational Behavior and Human Resources);
- Learn to develop and harness an entrepreneurial mindset, capable of identifying opportunities, and building teams, structures and resources needed to scale ideas into successful ventures (Entrepreneurship);
- Explore the art and science of conceiving value-creating strategies for winning in competitive markets, building mastery of tools for understanding competitors, planning, forecasting, resource allocation, and implementation (Strategic Management).
UConn School of Business Names Boucher Management & Entrepreneurship Department
The gift—which is the University’s first departmental naming and the largest individual gift to the School of Business—will enable the School to launch new programming for the benefit of students and businesses.
Read more on UConn Today.
Learn Through Experience
Students from all disciplines at UConn come together to learn through experience in M&E courses and affiliated extra-curricular programs. Some examples include:
- Members of Hillside Ventures – our student-led venture investment fund – use a million-dollar gift from our generous alumni and friends to identify, connect-with, analyze and invest in promising startup firms;
- Aspiring entrepreneurs learn to take their ideas from concept to reality in numerous business competitions, including the annual Innovation Quest startup challenge;
- Students in the undergraduate capstone course lead simulated firms in semester-long industry simulation providing an real snapshot of what it takes to win in competitive markets.
Renowned Faculty
UConn management and entrepreneurship students learn from world-renowned faculty researchers who bring their cutting-edge knowledge to the classroom and into business organizations striving to improve. The star scholars who help put Boucher M&E faculty among the Top 10 most productive research departments are the same experts who guide students through their journey of discovery about practices of successful leaders and organizations. We are dedicated to ensuring student growth and success, both in and out of the classroom.